How to change your EV3 hostname

Now that more and more people are using ev3dev thanks to LEGO Education’ EV3 MicroPyhton a few might find in need to change their bricks’s names.

Until that feature is available at BrickMan level, this is the a way:

  1. access the ev3dev shell either through SSH (puTTY) or Visual Studio Code – don’t forget that the default user is ‘robot’ and it’s password is ‘maker’
  2. change te hostname with command ‘sudo hostnamectl set-hostname NAME’
  3. restart avahi service with command ‘sudo service avahi-daemon restart’

David Lechner pointed me to the ‘ev3dev-config’ tool having also an option for this purpose:

sudo ev3dev-config

Then choose

4 Advanced Options  Configure advanced settings

Followed by

A1 Hostname    Set the visible name for this ev3dev device on a network

This can all be done from Visual Studio Code through the EV3DEV Device Browser plugin – I wrote a detailed visual explanation for those less confortable with above explanation.