Controlling WeDo 2.0 motor from Linux

LEGO Education released the WeDO 2.0 some months ago and I bought a kit. I returned to LEGO thanks to WeDO 1.0 and since I’m already using BLE with the SBrick, using the WeDo 2.0 seemed natural.

But LEGO Education made the Android app very restrictive and only a few Android devices are allowed to install it – I have two different BLE enabled Android phones and none complies with LEGO Education definitions. Although LEGO Education promised a SDK for the new WeDO 2.0, there’s still nothing available and since I don’t own a Windows computer or an Apple device, my WeDO 2.0 kit was rusting on the shelf, waiting for better days.

Then yesterday I found a Microsoft guy’ with some bluetooth code samples with references for the WeDO 2.0 – how ironic!

So it took me only a few hours to achieve what I think is a world premiere: a linux system controlling a LEGO WeDO 2.0 motor. And what better linux system than a LEGO Mindstorms EV3?

Next post will I’ll give more details.

4 comentários em “Controlling WeDo 2.0 motor from Linux”

  1. Awesome! Hoping that I’ll be able to use the raspberry pi 3’s onboard bluetooth for controlling a wedo 2.0; I’ll be looking forward to reading how you got your setup working.

    1. Hi.
      My only RPi3 has a BrickPi on it, because of that onboard BT is disabled (interferes with serial port connection to the BrickPi).
      But I see no reason it shouldn’t work (standalone).
      I hope to publish a second, more detailed post, next week.

      1. Hi there, I work in a school whose iPads are too old to work with the WeDo 2.0 that they have, but they do have raspberry pi’s. Did you ever get the WeDo 2.0 working with a Raspberry Pi?


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