This week I got a question from Nathan Kunicki about using the BOOST Tacho Motor with the new Powered Up hub.
He already succeeded with the other WeDo 2 and BOOST devices so the motor was the last challenge. So I tried a few ideas but nothing.
I told him that probably the motor was not supported by the current firmware… and then he told me that when we use the new Remote it works (as if a WeDo 2 motor, just ON or OFF).
Well… my lovely wife just gave me this weekend my future birthday gift: the new LEGO Cargo Train. And it has a Powered Up remote so… let me try it.
No, we couldn’t find a way to control the motor. But I learned a bit about the Remote (thanks Nathan!) Enough to use it as a standalone BLE controller without the LEGO Powered Up “HUB NO.4″… it’s so easy that any BLE master can use it.
And, of course, the MINDSTORMS EV3 when running ev3dev:
to be continued…