Controlling LEGO hubs: a mqtt2pybricks gateway

This post is part 1 of 1 of  mqtt2pybricks gateway

We finally moved to a new home. Not an apartment on a 6th floor with dozens of crazy and noisy neighbors but a real house with a garden and a garage.

I also quit my job and I am taking a rest. So I finally have both time and opportunity to look into domotics.

I installed OpenHAB on a Raspberry Pi and started adding ‘things’ to get familiar with it. The first was a Nedis dehumidifier I bought a few months after moving – we moved to a place with its own micro-weather, lots of humidity, and my wife and the younger kid have allergies problems so I’m trying to keep humidity levels low.

Although the dehumidifier has builtin wi-fi we were using it just on manual mode but since it was easy to integrate with OpenHAB I started with it.

OpenHAB offers ‘bridges’ for several types of devices. This dehumidifier is a Tuya device so I added a Tuya bridge and found that I could read humidity and temperature values even when the dehumidifier was in standby mode (previously, to know the humidity level of the room I needed to turn it on to be shown on the display and just humidity, no temperature readings).

So I ordered two Tuya humidity+temperature sensors to monitor our bedroom and the #2 bedroom.

And then I added a older humidifier to OpenHAB through an also older wi-fi power plug. The humidifier has a ‘mechanic’ power switch so I left it always ON and control it from the power plug.

And then the third humidifier. But this one has a ‘digital’ power switch so you need to press it to turn it ON/OFF. And no builtin wi-fi. So a fingerbot-like gadget was needed. I chose a Switchbot Bot:

It is a Bluetooth BLE device, is supposed to be used with the SwitchBot Hub that works as a wi-fi to BLE gateway but I found a description of its API so used python to control it and created my own mqtt2switchbot gateway with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W (using ‘bleak’ and ‘pahoo-mqtt’) and adding a MQTT broker to my OpenHAB server.

So I can control Bluetooth BLE devices from my domotics central.

And LEGO Hubs are BLE devices.

So the next obvious step was controlling LEGO from my domotics central 😀

EV3 and micro:bit

Almost 2 and a half years ago I bought a BBC micro:bit, planning to give it as a xmas present to my geek nephew. Unfortunately (for him) I decided that he wasn’t geek enough for this small ARM-based controller as I found out it was too confusing to set it up properly for BLE usage.

At that time I managed to get EV3 working with it but it was very awkward. Most of my problems were related to making a proper connection because the firmware required BT to be paired before accepting BLE commands but I also had problemas with the python BLE library I was using (gattlib).

This weekend I had a long day at work upgrading some Microsoft servers and had the time, between downloads and reboots (argh!) to return to this little fellow. So I found out it is now much, much easier to configure it… thanks to Microsoft! Yes, same Microsoft.

I used Makecode Editor to configure my micro:bit from a browser: just added the Bluetooth extension, included th e Bluetooth blocks that activate the proper BLE services and enabled using BLE without the need to pair BT first.

On the ev3dev side it was also easy to use it with python but with a different library: pygatt.

Interestingly, a new version of pygatt was released this very same weekend.

Details and code samples at another Microsoft site (github).

Two demo videos:

  • using the two buttons to control a Medium motor:
  • using the LED Matrix:

LEGO Conveyex Imperial Transport

This post is part 1 of 1 of  Conveyex

So another never-to-be-completed project.

I like Star Wars but usually don’t care for LEGO Star Wars sets. But when the Conveyex set was released I liked it a lot. Probably because it looked like a monorail train and I was already gathering a few old LEGO monorail pieces. So I ordered one… or so I tought.

When I order from LEGO I take the chance to buy a few MINDSTORMS motors and some Power Function elements like cables or batteries. I had a few items already on my desired list so I didn’t notice exactly how many items I was ordering… and so I received 3 (three!) Conveyex sets.

Oh boy. What I am going to do with all these Conveyex?

Then I realized that the size of the set wagons is simillar to the monorail wagons. After assembling the first set I took off the wheels and with just a few extra bricks I got my first monorail version:

Since I was already trying to use Powered Up as a way to control the monorail motor it seemed natural to extend this first version to a bluetooth controled one:

This way the Conveyex could be controlled not just with the Powered Up train headset but also programmatically. That would allow me to use the Conveyex on a large animated diorama, with MINDSTORMS and other controllable elements:

So this was the beginning. Now I “just” needed to extend the train with a few more wagons. And the rail with a few more tracks. Seemed simple.

But the old LEGO monorail system wasn’t meant for long trains. The system was designed for just 1 engine in the middle and 1 wagon at each side:

The wagons connect to the engine through a custom coupling system. As far as I know, there is no way to connect other LEGO elements to the engine couplings. Extending the length is possible by adding wagons and using some LEGO parts as custom couplers, like in LEGO trains.

Fortunately there is a company named 4DBrix that sell a few custom elements compatible with the monorail system. I ordered them some car extensions that has a “male” tab that connects to the engine and a “female” socket that allow extra wagons to be added. It worked but then the overall weight started to be feel too demanding for the monorail motor. Perhaps a single motor could move a train with 2 or 3 wagons and an engine but I also wanted ramps (of course!) and that seemed too much. So I wondered if it is possible to use more than one monorail motor…

It is:

The monorail track is really just a long gear. So the two motors are directly coupled together and just add their force (oh well… after a while I found out that this is not always true).

But the way that the Powered Up Hub was designed it is not the best for such a setup – the 6x AAA batteries would drain too fast and I would have to remove the Hub to replace them. Once in a while it might be acceptable but certainly not every 30 minutes. The good old Power Functions LiPo battery is much better – it allows in place recharging and it also looks like it can supply a few more milliamps than the PUP Hub (not confirmed).

So I picked my LEGO relay idea and built a Powered Up version:

and then applied it to the Conveyex:

So now the Powered Up Hub batteries are only used to keep the Hub ON and sometimes to change the relay state. Need to measure it but I suspect that it would work a few hours. And no custom cable is used, just 100% LEGO electric parts.

So today the Conveyex is already looking good:

The model uses 2 monorail motors, 4 wagons and an engine car:

From left to right:

  • Powered Up Hub wagon
  • Monorail motor
  • Relay wagon
  • Power Functions LiPo battery wagon
  • still no purpose wagon
  • Monorail wagon
  • Engine car

So the Conveyex is really just 2 monorail trains linked together (in the above drawing, the extra space reflects the custom coupling I had to build, longer than the monorail coupling sustem). The wagons aren’t all of the same size because the wagons length from the LEGO Conveyex are in facto a bit too larger and make the monorail derail at regular curves and ramps – so I built the Relay wagon 4 studs shorter.

The weight is not equally distributed, the front train is lighter than the back train. So sometimes, when the Conveyex is moving on ramps, the two trains move at different speeds – like when the front train already reached the top and the back train is still moving up in the ramp:

On the video above the LiPo was adjusted for 4/7 of output power. The front train gained too much speed and the monorail coupling couldn’t handle and disconnected. Now I’m running the Conveyex with the LiPo at 5/7 of output power and this never happened again but probably will need to add more weight to the “still no purpose wagon”… crazy ideas welcome 🙂

The new LEGO Powered Up Remote Control

This post is part 1 of 2 of  LEGO Powered Up Remote Control

This week I got a question from Nathan Kunicki about using the BOOST Tacho Motor with the new Powered Up hub.

He already succeeded with the other WeDo 2 and BOOST devices so the motor was the last challenge. So I tried a few ideas but nothing.

I told him that probably the motor was not supported by the current firmware… and then he told me that when we use the new Remote it works (as if a WeDo 2 motor, just ON or OFF).

Well… my lovely wife just gave me this weekend my future birthday gift: the new LEGO Cargo Train. And it has a Powered Up remote so… let me try it.

No, we couldn’t find a way to control the motor. But I learned a bit about the Remote (thanks Nathan!) Enough to use it as a standalone BLE controller without the LEGO Powered Up “HUB NO.4″… it’s so easy that any BLE master can use it.

And, of course, the MINDSTORMS EV3 when running ev3dev:

to be continued…


Making an Android app for LEGO Powered Up – explanation

So how does this “App Inventor”-thing work?

To create an app for Android we just need a browser to access the online app creator tool. We have a Design view where we add our components like buttons and sliders and a Blocks view where we use the method blocks provided  by each component we added to our Design.

We can build our app and download an ‘apk’ file to install on our Android phone or tablet but that’s not practical while we are still testing some ideas and debugging the way our blocks work. So the best way is installing the MIT AI2 Companion App on our Android device so every action we make in the online tool is synchronized to it through USB or wi-fi.

App Inventor 2 provides a Palette with lots of usefull components but to use LEGO Powered Up we need to add an Extension that allows AI2 to talk with Bluetooth Low Energy devices. At the moment BluetoothLE is the only supported extension and I must say they have been doing a great work this last year (they even gave me access to a beta version a few months ago while fixing a bug I was dealing with) including writing a good explanation of all the blocks provided with some examples for Arduino and BBC micro:bit.

After importing the extension  we just drag it to the Viewer to get a ‘BluetoothLE1′ component at the bottom of the Viewer, on the “Non-visible components” area. Doesn’t seem much but if we change to Blocks view and look to this component we’ll see lots of blocks.

So let’s start creating our App!

We will use some BluetoothLE blocks to communicate with our LEGO “HUB NO.4” device. This blocks require a ServiceUUID and a CharUUID that we will store in global variables:

Currently the ServiceUUID and CharUUID are the same as LEGO BOOST hub but please note that there is no guarantee that future firmware releases will keep them allways equal.

We will also create a list of our devices:

Yes, a list of one device is silly but I have more devices like my BOOST Vernie and of course I’m planning to have a few more Powered Up devices in a near future so a list is usefull. You can call whatever you want to your devices but you need the Bluetooth address of it (so “PUP#1” is just an easy to remember tag that I choose for my “90:84:2B:06:AB:5D” hub).

You can get your BT address installing Nordic nRF Connect for Mobile app on your Android device and scanning nearby BLE devices while turning your LEGO hub on. If you changed its name with the LEGO App you will see a BLE device with that name, if not you will see “HUB NO.4” or “Smart Hub”, depending on the firmware version of your hub:

Now we go to Design View and add all components needed:

From the ‘User Interface’ section:

  • two buttons: ‘BtnConnection’ and ‘BtnRst’
  • one ListPicker

From the ‘Drawing and Animation’ section:

  • one Canvas
  • one ImgSprite

And from the ‘Sensors’ section:

  • one Clock

I added a few others that are really not needed, just used them for aligning and cosmetic purposes.  I also renamed the buttons names to better remember their purpose and changed some of their properties.

Now back to our Blocks view, we need to take care of what happens when our App starts:

We start a Bluetooth LE scan to find all BLE devices nearby. This is necessary later on when we want to connect to our LEGO device.

Then we create our list of Hubs (seen above), set the text of the Button used for the BLE connection, draw our Joystick at the center of the canvas and initialize our Clock.

This Clock will be used to keep the BLE connection active after we connect: we need to keep talking with the LEGO hub because after a pre-defined period without communication it will shutdown to prevent battery draining.

For now we just keep the clock disabled and set the period  to match the global variable “TRACKSPERIOD”.

We also define what happens when we click our ListPicker:

(we change the text to the friendly name of the chosen LEGO hub)

Now we define what happens when we click on our connection Button – we want it to connect to the device we chose whenever there is no connection yet and to disconnect when already is:

(we also activate or deactivate our Clock at the sametime)

I will not explain the blocks related to the Joystick – they are used to calculate the duty cycle (speed) of the two motors from the position of the joystick. These values are store in two global variables: ‘SpeedA’ and ‘SpeedB’.

The next important part is sending the calculated values to the motors.

The hexadecimal command used to control a WeDo 2 Motor (we should probably call it a “Powered Up Medium Motor) is:

0800810 p 115100 dt


  • ‘p’ is ‘0’ if we are using ‘Port A’ and ‘1’ if using ‘Port B’
  • dt is the hexadecimal representation of the duty cycle (a percentage value)

The AI2 BuetoothLE extension uses a list of decimal values so

8 0 129 0/1 17 81 0 dt

Lucky for us the extension also accepts signed or unsigned values so we don’t need to take care of the conversion when duty cycle is negative:

so every time the Clock reaches our “TRACKSPERIOD” value it sends the commands for the two motors. Setting a smaller period allows a better control but also increases the activity of the App so for too small periods it might not work properly. And, of course, setting a larger period will increase the latency of our control and might also cause our connection to drop.

Hope this explanation is clear enough for anyone that wants to try their own app. Feel free to make questions on my YouTube channel, I’ll try to answer the best I can.

Making an Android app for LEGO Powered Up

The new LEGO trains are now Powered Up based.

Like WeDo 2 and BOOST, this is a Bluetooth 4 Low Energy (BLE) device that uses the new type of 6-pin plug that LEGO announced a couple of years ago with the WeDo 2. At that time this new design was referenced as Power Functions 2 or PF2 but the final name is now Powered Up.

Unlike BOOST, the new smart hub included with the trains doesn’t include motors. LEGO found a way to arrange 6 AAA batteries inside it in such a compact way that the final size is exactly the same of the Power Functions LiPo or AAA batteries… with all the new electronics included:

Others like Sariel and Hispabrick already reviewed this device so I’ll just show how to to use it.

This new hub announces itself as “HUB NO.4”.  It will probably have a much better name but for now I will call it this way.

A good thing with “HUB NO.4” is that it  provides the same UUID services as BOOST. So most of the examples I wrote for BOOST work with Powered Up with just a few modifications.

For instance, the LEGO WeDo 2 motors can be used the same way as with BOOST:

gatttool -b 90:84:2B:06:AB:5D --char-write-req --handle 0x0e --value 0800810011510060

The handle (“0Eh”) is the same. The payload is also simillar, with the same 3 initial bytes (“080081”, hexadecimal) followed by a fourth byte that selects the output port (“00” = port A, “01” = port B), followed by the same 3 bytes (“115100”) and finally the last byte is the duty cycle (or speed) applied to the motor (“60h” = 100d = 100%).

Since I already had an Android app made with MIT App Inventor 2 for the  Vernie model of the BOOST set I made just a few modifications to make it work with “HUB NO.4”:

  • removed the blocks that controlled the head and cannon trigger
  • removed the blocks that sensed the colors
  • added the BT address of my “HUB NO.4” to the list of devices to pick
  • changed the motor commands used by BOOST (simultaneous control of pair A+B) by the motor commands of two WeDo 2 motors

That’s it!

This the Designer view:

and this is the Blocks view:

If you’re interested, I exported the project as an “.aia” file. It’s not polished (for instance the blocks still make references to Vernie) but you get a good base to start.

In my next article I try to explain how this App was created.

Running ev3dev on a Raspberry Pi 3

A few days ago the ev3dev project launched a great feature: nightly image builds. Right after that I got a received a notice that they included in the image for Raspberry Pi 2/3 support for onboard the Bluetooth and needed to test it.

So I did test it. And found out that onboard Bluetooth indeed works… as also onboard Wi-Fi… as also the Brick Pi, no need to disable BT. Yeah, no more USB dongles!

The procedure is very simple – the really important step is freeing the hardware serial port for the BrickPi (both the onboard Bluetooth and the BrickPi need a UART so a soft UART (“miniuart”) is used for BT instead of the default one.

  • get the latest nightly image build for the Pi2/Pi3 (mine was 26 July 2016) and restore it to a microSD card
  • insert the card in the Pi3
  • connect an USB keyboard and a HDMI display to the Pi3
  • power up the Pi
  • login (robot + maker) – if you cannot see the login prompt change to the proper console with Alt+F1 or Alt+F2 or Alt+F[n]
  • run ‘sudo connmanctl’ to configure BT and Wi-Fi (see this tutorial on how to configure Wi-Fi from command line; for BT just run ‘sudo connmanctl enable bluetooth’)
  • edit the ‘/boot/flash/config.txt’ and uncomment these 4 lines:
    • dtoverlay=brickpi
    • init_uart_clock=32000000
    • dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt
    • core_freq=250
  • sudo reboot
  • remove the display and the keyboard and from now on just connect through Wi-Fi

To test that both Bluetooth and the BrickPi work properly I used a python script to read the NXT ultrasonic sensor (in the first input port) and change the color of my WeDo 2.0 Smart Hub from green to red:


# run with sudo
# assumes NXT Ultrasonic at INPUT #1

from import *
from gattlib import GATTRequester
from time import sleep

BTdevice = "hci0"       # BlueTooth 4.0 BLE capable device

WeDo2HubAddress  = "A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57"

InputCommand_hnd = 0x3a
OutputCommand_hnd  = 0x3d

RGBAbsoluteMode_cmd = str(bytearray([01,02,06,17,01,01,00,00,00,02,01]))
RGBAbsoluteOutput_cmd = str(bytearray([06,04,03]))  # or "\x06\x04\x03"

DELAY      = 0.3

# sudo echo nxt-i2c > /sys/class/lego-port/port0/mode
# sudo echo "lego-nxt-us 0x01" > /sys/class/lego-port/port0/set_device
us = UltrasonicSensor('ttyAMA0:S1:i2c1')
assert us.connected

req = GATTRequester(WeDo2HubAddress,True,BTdevice)

# configure RBG LED to Absolute Mode (accepts 3 bytes for RGB instead of default Index Mode)

  if (us.value() < 10):
    req.write_by_handle(OutputCommand_hnd, RGBAbsoluteOutput_cmd+chr(255)+chr(0)+chr(0))
    req.write_by_handle(OutputCommand_hnd, RGBAbsoluteOutput_cmd+chr(0)+chr(255)+chr(0))

My script need the gattlib library to talk with Bluetooth Low Energy devices. You can install this library with ‘pip’ but first need to install some dependencies:

sudo apt-get install pkg-config libboost-python-dev libboost-thread-dev libbluetooth-dev libglib2.0-dev python-dev


sudo pip install gattlib

WeDo 2.0 colors with python (again)

This post is part 5 of 6 of  WeDo 2.0 - reverse engineering

After some head aches with the WeDo 2.0 SDK I found out that the WeDo 2.0 Hub has 2 modes for the RGB LED device:

  • Indexed
  • Absolute

“Indexed” is the one I used before – only 10 colors are available. This the mode used in the WeDo 2.0 App, and when in this mode the command used to write to the RGB LED accepts only one byte as argument, which works as an “index” to 10 predefined colors. Why only 10 if the same byte can address up to 255 colors? Internal memory limitations?

The same command accepts  also 3 one-byte arguments (Red, Green and Blue) but only when the RGB LED mode is “Absolute”. This is clear in the SDK… what is not so clear is how to change from default (power on) Indexed mode to Absolute?

After reading many Java files I found out how: we use the “Input Command” characteristic (handle 0x3a) and send it this command:


I’ll explain the format of the “Input Command” in another post, but for now this is the meaning:

  • first two bytes (0102) is the header used to set definitions
  • the third is the port of the device (06 is the RGB LED)
  • the fourth is the type of the device (17h a RGB LED)
  • the fifth is the mode (01 is Absolute, 00 is Indexed)
  • the sixth to nineth bytes is the delta for notifications to be noticed (so 01 00 00 00 = 1d is the minimum)
  • the tenth byte is the unit format to be used (02 is “SI”, internation standard)
  • the eleventh and last byte is to disable or enable notifications (01)

So we can now use any of the 16777216 color tones available:

The pyhton script used for the video above (the video just shows a small part)

# run with sudo

from gattlib import GATTRequester
from time import sleep

BTdevice = "hci0"    # BlueTooth 4.0 BLE capable device
WeDo2HubAddress  = "A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57"
InputCommand_hnd = 0x3a
OutputCommand_hnd  = 0x3d
RGBAbsoluteMode_cmd = str(bytearray([01,02,06,17,01,01,00,00,00,02,01]))
RGBAbsoluteOutput_cmd = str(bytearray([06,04,03]))

DELAY      = 0.3

req = GATTRequester(WeDo2HubAddress,True,BTdevice)

# configure RBG LED to Absolute Mode

# loop all colors
while True:
  for blue in range (0,256,16):
    for green in range (0,256,16):
      for red in range (0,256,16):
        req.write_by_handle(OutputCommand_hnd, RGBAbsoluteOutput_cmd+chr(red)+chr(green)+chr(blue))


LEGO WeDo 2.0 – playing sound

This post is part 4 of 6 of  WeDo 2.0 - reverse engineering

Great news – LEGO Eduction released the WeDo 2.0 SDK today!

After digging into it, I found the information needed to control the Piezo: as expected, it’s controlled by the same handle that is used for controlling the motor and the RGB LED (0x003d). The “port” is “05” and the “command” to activate the Piezo is “02”, followed by a payload of “04” bytes containing:

  • the Frequency in Hz (2 bytes, reversed)
  • the duration in ms (2 bytes, reversed)

So to play a “C” (or “Do”, 261 Hz) during 1/8 of a second (125 ms) we use this command:

[A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57][LE]> char-write-cmd 003d 050204B801E803

So let’s hear the very first music played by a WeDo 2.0 from a linux shell script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# In Ubuntu run this script with sudo
# "Imperial March on a WeDo 2.0" was inspired by

# command: gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204

# beep(a, 500) 
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B801F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(a, 500) 
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B801F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(a, 500) 
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B801F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(f, 350)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502045D015E01
sleep 0.35

# beep(cH, 150)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B029600
sleep 0.15

# beep(a, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B801F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(f, 350)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502045D015E01
sleep 0.35

# beep(cH, 150)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B029600
sleep 0.15

# beep(a, 1000)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B801E803
sleep 1.0

# beep(eH, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502049302F401
sleep 0.5
# beep(eH, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502049302F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(eH, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502049302F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(fH, 350) 
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204BA025E01
sleep 0.35

# beep(cH, 150)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B029600
sleep 0.15

# beep(gS, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502049F01F401
sleep 0.5    

# beep(f, 350)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502045D015E01
sleep 0.35

# beep(cH, 150)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B029600
sleep 0.15

# beep(a, 1000)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B801E803
sleep 1.0
# beep(aH, 500)   
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502047003F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(a, 350) 
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B8015E01
sleep 0.35

# beep(a, 150)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B8019600
sleep 0.15

# beep(aH, 500)   
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502047003F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(gSH, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502043E03FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(gH, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502041003FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(fSH, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204E4027D00
sleep 0.125

# beep(fH, 125) 
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204BA027D00
sleep 0.125  
# beep(fSH, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204E402FA00
sleep 0.25

# delay(250)
sleep 0.25

# beep(aS, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204C701FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(dSH, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502046E02F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(dH, 250)  
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502044B02FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(cSH, 250)  
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502042A02FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(cH, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B027D00
sleep 0.125

# beep(b, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204D2017D00
sleep 0.125

# beep(cH, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B02FA00
sleep 0.25
# delay(250)
sleep 0.25

# beep(f, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502045D017D00
sleep 0.125

# beep(gS, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502049F01F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(f, 375) 
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502045D017701
sleep 0.375

# beep(a, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B8017D00
sleep 0.125
# beep(cH, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B02F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(a, 375)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B8017701
sleep 0.375

# beep(cH, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B027D00
sleep 0.125

# beep(eH, 1000)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502049302E803
sleep 1.0

# beep(aH, 500)   
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502047003F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(a, 350) 
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B8015E01
sleep 0.35

# beep(a, 150)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B8019600
sleep 0.15

# beep(aH, 500)   
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502047003F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(gSH, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502043E03FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(gH, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502041003FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(fSH, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204E4027D00
sleep 0.125
# beep(fH, 125) 
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204BA027D00
sleep 0.125

# beep(fSH, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204E402FA00
sleep 0.25

# delay(250)
sleep 0.25

# beep(aS, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204C701FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(dSH, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502046E02F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(dH, 250)  
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502044B02FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(cSH, 250)  
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502042A02FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(cH, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B027D00
sleep 0.125

# beep(b, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204D2017D00
sleep 0.125

# beep(cH, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B02FA00
sleep 0.25

# delay(250)
sleep 0.25

# beep(f, 250)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502045D01FA00
sleep 0.25

# beep(gS, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502049F01F401
sleep 0.5 
# beep(f, 375)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502045D017701
sleep 0.375

# beep(cH, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502040B027D00
sleep 0.125
# beep(a, 500)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B801F401
sleep 0.5

# beep(f, 375)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 0502045D017701
sleep 0.375

# beep(c, 125)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 05020405017D00
sleep 0.125

# beep(a, 1000)
gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --char-write-req -a 0x003d -n 050204B801E803
sleep 1.0



WeDo 2.0 – reverse engineering

This post is part 1 of 6 of  WeDo 2.0 - reverse engineering

This post tries to gather all the information I collected in the last weeks related to the WeDo 2.0.

I’m not a programmer but I’m a very stubborn guy so after I managed to get my linux systems (my Ubuntu laptop, some Raspberry Pi’s and my two Mindstorms EV3) controlling the SBrick I told to myself: I’m gonna make the same with this new WeDo 2.0 system no matter what it takes.

So first things first: let’s use my Android mobile to inspect the WeDo 2.0 Hub. Nordic has a very good (and free) app that I like to use: nRF Master Control Panel (recently renamed to nRF Connect). After connecting to the Hub we find 6 services:

BLE services

Some of this services, like “Battery Service” are known BLE services so [hopefully] it will be easy to use.

There’s also a very important finding at the top:

“U0001 A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57

“A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57” is the Bluetooth address of my Hub (similar to the MAC Address of every network device). It will be used *a lot* in the rest of this post.

And “U0001” is the friendly name that the Hub advertises – that’s the name that shows up in the LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 App when connecting to the Hub:

WeDo 2.0 making a connection

A note about this name: before I finally managed to make the LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 App work in my Android phone, my Hub advertised itself as “LPF2 Smart Hub 2 I/O”. So the LEGO App changed it to “u0001”, probably at the first time it connected to it (but since my Hub was first used by 3 other AFOL’s at Paredes de Coura I’m not sure if the process is automatic or the user is given some kind of option).

So the default (factory set) name of the Hub is “LPF2 Smart Hub 2 I/O” – LEGO Power Functions 2 Smart Hub 2 I/O”. Not much to speculate here: LEGO announced that Power Functions and Mindstorms will adopt a new plug type so new devices are expected, this is just the first one. But “Smart Hub 2 I/O” is interesting… does that means that there will be other Smart Hubs? Perhaps even a “Smart Hub 4 I/O”? That would answer some of the points I have been discussing with Fernando Conchas like “what’s the use for a 4.5 Volt device in LEGO Technic unless there’s also another device with better power features just waiting to come out”?

Now let’s look deeper to those BLE services…

I can use the nRF App and take a lot of screenshots but now that I know the BT address I will switch to my Ubuntu laptop and use 2 of the available BlueZ (the native Linux Bluetooth stack) functions, ‘hcitool’ and ‘gatttool’

$ sudo hcitool -i hci0 lescan
LE Scan ...
A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 (unknown)
A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 LPF2 Smart Hub 2 I/O
sudo gatttool -i hci0 -b A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57 --primary
attr handle = 0x0001, end grp handle = 0x0007 uuid: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
attr handle = 0x0008, end grp handle = 0x000b uuid: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
attr handle = 0x000c, end grp handle = 0x002f uuid: 00001523-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123
attr handle = 0x0030, end grp handle = 0x003e uuid: 00004f0e-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123
attr handle = 0x003f, end grp handle = 0x0045 uuid: 0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
attr handle = 0x0046, end grp handle = 0xffff uuid: 0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb

The ‘gatttool’ command is a powerfull tool for BLE – in the past, without a proper BLE library for python, I used it (through python system calls) to talk with the SBrick. Clumsy but… hey, I said I’m not a programmer 😉

The ‘gatttool’ can run in an interactive mode that allows us to establish a connection and keep it until we disconnect instead of making a new connection each time we want to test a command:

$ sudo gatttool -i hci0 -I
[                 ][LE]> connect A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57
Attempting to connect to A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57
Connection successful

In this “interactive” session we just send ‘primary’ to get the same output as using the command with ‘–primary’ option [but sometimes the commands differ a bit, so use ‘help’ and ‘–help’ to know what to use.

So the ‘primary’ command gets a list of the primary services offered by the WeDo 2.0 Hub. Of course, those are the same 6 services found by the Nordic app but that screenshot looks much better as Nordic developers added lots of intelligence to it.

First service:

attr handle = 0x0001, end grp handle = 0x0007 uuid: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb

The Nordic app shows just:

Generic Access
UUID: 0x1800

So this service has 7 handles assigned (from 0x0001 to 0x0007) and serves a well know service (the ‘Generic Access‘) so it’s UUID is shortened to just 0x1800 instead of ‘00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb’.

Bluetooth specification for ‘Generic Access’ defines 5 properties:

  • Device Name (0x2A00)
  • Appearance (0x2A01)
  • Peripheral Privacy Flag (0x2A02)
  • Reconnection Address (0x2A03)
  • Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (0x2A04)

From these list, only ‘Device Name’ and ‘Appearance’ are defined as ‘Mandatory’.

With the gatttool we read these properties with command ‘char-read-uuid’:

[A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57][LE]> char-read-uuid 0x2A00
handle: 0x0003      value: 75 30 30 30 31 
[A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57][LE]> char-read-uuid 0x2A01
handle: 0x0005      value: 00 00 
[A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57][LE]> char-read-uuid 0x2A02
Error: Read characteristics by UUID failed: No attribute found within the given range
[A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57][LE]> char-read-uuid 0x2A03
Error: Read characteristics by UUID failed: No attribute found within the given range
[A0:E6:F8:1E:58:57][LE]> char-read-uuid 0x2A04
handle: 0x0007      value: 50 00 a0 00 00 00 e8 03

So ‘Peripheral Privacy Flag’ and ‘Reconnection Address’ were not implemented by LEGO. But what’s the meaning of this hexadecimal values?

Device Name‘ is a string so we just convert it to ASCII (we can use an online tool like RapidTables):

75 30 30 30 31 -> u0001


Appearance‘ is two-byte value “composed of a category (10-bits) and sub-categories (6-bits)” that classifies the device. Since it is ‘0’, it’s not classified in any known category (so it is ‘Unknown’).

Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters‘ is an 8-byte value containing 4 parameters (each one is 2-byte):

Minimum Connection Interval
Maximum Connection Interval
Slave Latency
Connection Supervision Timeout Multiplier

Each value is written in reverse order so

Minimum Connection Interval =005h = 80d
Maximum Connection Interval = 000ah = 160
Slave Latency = 0
Connection Supervision Timeout Multiplier = 03e8h=1000d

According to definition, the Min/Max Connection Interval values should be multiplied by 1.25 so the range is in fact 100~200 [ms].

So let’s return to the Android and validate these:

WeDo 2.0 'Generic Access' primary service

Yes, it certainly looks good!

Next post we’ll see another well-know service: the ‘Battery Service’.